Friday, November 16, 2012

A leopard will never change its spot.

I should start a habit of blogging whenever i'm feeling low. Because till then, i have so much to blog about and to rant about.

You know how it feels like when you've  put all the trust in someone yet he broke your trust again and again. And before he break your trust, he build it up so perfectly and flawlessly that only a fool like me would actually believe he would really made up to his promises and fulfill what he had told me earlier. And then he would make up any excuses just not to break the promise again. Seriously why bother keeping promises with me  when you ain't really in the least of fulfilling it only breaking it.

First time i believed, ok i'm stupid. Second time i do so again, ok i'm dumb enough. Third time i believed you again, ok i'm giving you a chance to amend your mistake. Fourth time i believe again, i'm giving you one last chance. Fifth time, i promise i'm giving you the really last chance!! Sixth time, why the fuck would i want to give you so many chances when you're not even appreciating every of the chances given. Really reach my limit. But what could i do? You would only blamed me because you thought i wasn't giving you enough time.. but the fact is that you became even greedier when i gave you a bit after a bit.

No, i don't deserve all this. I deserve better...........I'm sick of shedding tears for someone who doesn't worth my tears at all. Every obstacles i'd faced, it only pulls me up asking me to stay strong, reminding me that i should shed tears only for someone whom really worth it. Sooner or later as times goes by, i would probably be having a clear concept of who i really wants to fight for.


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